
Politically Correct Sexuality

Phil H

Guidelines to Acceptable Gender Attitudes and Relations 

RULE 1. Men and women are equal. Period. End of story. If anything, women are superior. No contradiction of this basic premise is allowed. None. Period. End of story. Any biological, physical, or practical facts which contradict this basic premise simply do not exist. Period. End of story. Any person, man or woman, who attempts to disagree or argue that there are innate biological, physical, or emotional differences between men and women must be shouted down and silenced by any means available.

RULE 2. For White heterosexual males, marriage is the only socially acceptable institution for the relief of innate biological sexual instincts. Sexual activity outside marriage for White males is sexist and shows disrespect for women. Sexual activity for White females outside marriage is liberating and shows independence and strength of character. Blacks of either gender may engage in any sexual behavior of any kind on an unlimited basis, without restraint or social reproof. 

RULE 3.For the duration of any sexual relationship before, during, and after marriage, the provision of relief for the man's biological sex drive is entirely at the discretion of the woman. She says when, where, how, and is in full control. In most states nowadays, if she is displeased with her mate's sexual, financial, or social performance, she may accuse him of marital rape and have him sent to prison for many years.

RULE 4. IMPORTANT: Women always tell the truth. Men always lie. No woman is ever guilty of anything. All men are always guilty of everything. Any accusation of physical or sexual abuse made by the woman against the man is to be believed, completely and without question, regardless of how improbable or bizarre the allegation. Any denial by the man, any attempt on his part to point out facts which do not conform to the woman's version of events, any attempt to bring out any past falsehood or neurotic behavior on her part, is inadmissible and shall be disregarded, scorned, and shouted down.

RULE 5. The only White males who are entitled to credibility, responsible position in the community, or any rights at all are homosexuals. The duty of the heterosexual White male is to work hard, obey his woman, and to pay for everything. At all times he shall remain humble and maintain a respectful silence unless spoken to.

RULE 6. Women will receive the advantage in any dealings with the courts and the legal system. The theory behind this is that women have been traditionally disadvantaged and must therefore now receive preferential treatment, i.e. two wrongs make a right.

RULE 7. When children are involved, custody will almost always be granted to the mother, unless the mother shows up for court reeking of liquor, obviously stoned on drugs, or else raving mad and confined in a straitjacket. Sometimes she'll even get custody under those conditions. If the mother is in a mental institution or serving a prison sentence for a felony conviction, the children will almost always be given to the mother's relatives. Granting custody to the father is to be avoided at all costs in order to avoid preserving White Male Hegemony, whatever that is.

RULE 8. Any accusation of physical or sexual child abuse leveled by the woman against the man is to be believed without question. Great strides in jurisprudence have already been made in the legal disposition of child abuse and rape cases. Such tedious formalities as the Constitutional right to be confronted with one's accuser, the right to cross-examine witnesses, the legal prohibition against hearsay evidence, the right to a speedy trial, the right not to be denied bail and not to have excessive bail imposed, and in some cases the right to trial by jury have already been done away with in many states. In the state of Washington the progressive legal concept of preventive detention without even a criminal charge is being implemented against White males who may offend against politically correct sexuality, while in Idaho a new hate crimes law defines ALL WOMEN as a politically protected minority, thus covering everyone except heterosexual White males against discrimination and "crimes of bias".

It is to be hoped that under the enlightened rule of Presidents Bill and Hillary Clinton, the whole time-consuming business of a trial for accused White male child abusers and rapists may be done away with altogether, and the process streamlined so that the accused man is arrested, immediately taken before a judge for sentencing, and then directly to prison. The victim of White male aggression has already suffered enough, and it is unjust that she be put through the ordeal of having to relive her nightmare in a courtroom. Besides, the savings to taxpayers alone argue strongly for such a progressive approach. The money saved can be used to feed the millions of starving people in Africa, or better yet, to bring them here to a new home and new life in America.

RULE 9. When the woman tires of the marriage and ends it, the man will be legally compelled to pay one third to one half of his NET income to support a wife and family who are no longer his and whom he may never see again, sometimes for as long as twenty-five or thirty years. If the man objects to this perpetual debt bondage, he is liable to be imprisoned for any length of time without trial, for contempt of court. Should the man revolt in despair against this life of perpetual impoverishment and financial slavery which becomes utterly unbearable, and take flight in a desperate attempt to find someplace where he can start over and possibly build another life and another family before he is too old to do so, then he is a dog, a cur, and he will be hunted down like the vile beast he is and punished with all the majestic wrath of American justice.

RULE 10. Women are born with an inalienable right to HAVE IT ALL: love, money, respect, subservience, obedience, children, career, adventure, romance, political power. Man exists on this earth solely to provide her with this wonderful, stress-free, disappointment-free life which is rightfully hers. She is Woman, hear her roar! All men are morally required to look like Robert Redford, earn a minimum of $300,000 per year, perform like a bull in bed when his woman is in the mood and never, ever make the slightest demand otherwise, and generally to fulfill every whim, every fantasy, every materialistic desire she may have. Men must treat her like a princess while respecting her as an equal - indeed, as a SUPERIOR being - and above all, they must LIKE it. Any White male who does not meet the above standard is a failure as a man and a wretch who almost certainly harbors secret right-wing, racist, sexist, homophobic, neo-Nazi criminal thoughts. Society must be protected from men like this.

A FINAL SOLUTION TO WHITE MALE DOMINATION. Anyone who voices even the mildest protest or dissent against any of the above is a right-winger, a sexist and a neo-Nazi. These people must be shouted down, intimidated, and silenced by any means available. As a long term solution, appropriate Federal legislation against this kind of hate crime must be enacted by the Co-Presidents and the new, progressive Democratic People's Congress. Anti-social elements who persistently refuse to love all of the diverse peoples in America's gorgeous mosaic must be removed from society and put into camps.