All Men Are Bastards
Now, how many times have you heard that before?
However, if a woman says that 'all men are bastards' then this must be her
experience. This must be her experience of ALL her male relatives, ALL her male colleagues and
ALL her male friends (if she has any).
Now, you and I know that not all men are bastards, but
we also know that they can behave like bastards if they want to do so.
So, if a woman’s experience is that all men
are bastards, then it follows that all the men in her environment behave in a
bastardly way towards
The question is, why do all men behave like bastards toward
this woman?
Erin Pizzey, the very founder of the refuge
movement for battered women, found that the women in her shelters were
mostly more violent than the men they were supposed to be escaping from!
They were also
more violent toward the children.
And those of you old enough will remember the
strange finding that when many of these ‘battered’ women in the refuge
shelters formed different
relationships with other men, these men tended to be more violent than the norm.
There was great psychoanalytical debate and wishy-washy twaddle spread across the media
concerning the reasons why
these women apparently kept seeking out violent men for their partners.
It was a
great psychological mystery.
Analysts and therapists had many a field day
constructing ridiculous hypotheses as to what deep-seated psychological traumas
- usually from sexual abuse, of course - accounted for this counter-intuitive
Why did such women always choose such violent
Of course, no-one was allowed to contemplate
openly the possibility that the behaviour of these women was so appallingly selfish,
irrational and provocative that they were the very cause of the violence against
In other words, they were not picking violent
partners, they were actually making their partners violent.
Indeed, when it comes to their complaints about men, one should point
out to them that they, themselves, are the common denominators; i.e. the
very source of their own woes.
Now, it could be argued that men should never be violent.
But, for example, when the relationship is
going badly, and when men hear such things as ‘you’ll
never see your children again’ or ‘I’ll tell the police that you raped me
and you’ll go to prison’ then you cannot expect men to behave in a cool,
calm fashion.
Why? Because selfish, irrational and provocative women can say and
do exactly these things, and the law won’t lift a finger to help the men or
the children who are threatened and hurt by it all.
In fact, the law
actually aids and abets these women.
The men have nowhere to turn. And they
cannot even protect their own children from it all.
It is politically-correct and feminist laws
designed to deny men equality and justice in their relationships that drives so
many men to act violently. The laws themselves are a major cause of domestic violence
across the nation.
So, the next time that you hear a woman say
that 'all men are bastards'. Watch out. Keep away. For she is telling you about
her own history. She is telling you that she is a woman who makes all men behave like bastards towards her.
That is her world.
And she is telling you
that she is a selfish, irrational and provocative woman.
And if the laws in
the UK continue to support the
actions of selfish, irrational and provocative women instead of ensuring fair
play and even-handedness, then men will continue to be violent toward these
Further, given that most women can behave in
a selfish, irrational and provocative manner - and can also now get away with it
- and men know this - then many
men will simply avoid the commitment of any close relationship for they will not wish to
be the helpless victims of our senseless unjust legal system at anytime
in the future.
This is not good for men. It is not good for women. And
it is certainly not good for our children.
But, of course, it is wonderful for the
government, the abuse industry and the feminists.
They positively thrive on the
social disharmony and discord that they, themselves, create; in
this case, by corrupting the justice system so that men will always
be at the mercy of selfish, irrational and provocative woman; whether such
characteristics be deeply ingrained in their natures, or merely the
product of a current mood.
Also see
Some People Have Personality
... and ...
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