
The Year Is 2052
It is Angry Harry's birthday.
He is 100 years old today!
Hurrah for Angry Harry!
"Oooo. Aaaggh. Oh, my goodness. My back
hurts," he says.
"Well, you are 100!"
says his wife proudly.
"Hhhaaahhhh. That's better," he
continues, as his wife lovingly props the pillow under him so that he can sit up more
comfortably in the bed while he sips his tea.
"Does it still hurt?" she asks
"Oh yes," Angry Harry replies.
"My muscles are sore from all that lifting yesterday. And that twenty-mile
run has made my buttocks ache."
"Twenty miles?" says his second
wife. "That's nothing for you Angry Harry. You normally do forty!"
"Yes," Angry Harry replies.
"But my new fulsome buttocks haven't quite grown fully into place yet. And
they are somewhat painful."
"And what lovely buttocks they are,"
says his third wife, as she starts to massage them tenderly with perfumed oils and cool,
soothing creams.
"And they'll be putting in your new pair
of lungs on Saturday," says his fourth wife. "So you'll once again be
able to smoke your 500 cigarettes a day. That will surely cheer you up."
Angry Harry looks at her benignly.
"Such a pretty thing," he thinks.
"But, then again, not much of a brain."
"Yes, that will definitely cheer me
up," he says, reaching over to tweak her nipple to remind her to pour him
his usual morning whisky.
A voice from down the hallway calls out to
"What would you like for breakfast Angry
It is his fifth wife.
She is his most recent purchase.
And she is definitely the ugly duckling of his
little flock.
But she can cook!
And for 150 bucks, you can't expect everything.
"Hmm. Let me think now," says Angry
Harry. "Bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, sausages, toast, waffles, cereal,
a side of lamb, and a cup of tea," he calls back.
Well. OK. OK. I have a got a little carried
away with how the world will be in 2052.
New buttocks? Hmmm. Maybe.
New lungs? Hmmm. Probably not.
But, many wives?
Hmm. Well.
You never know!
But, for the moment, let us just call them
'companions', 'friends', 'harlots', 'servants', whatever. (See
human beings will start to reproduce many more females than
You see. When you view the forces that are
operating in the world today as 'organisms', with lives of their own etc etc,
then it becomes very clear that, in the not-too-distant future, human beings
will start to reproduce many more females than males.
This might sound highly unlikely to some, but,
in my view, it is a near certainty. And the main reason for it being a certainty
is because the vast majority of men would very much want it to be so.
It is as simple as that really.
What else is there to say?
Think about it.
The men's movement is growing in power all the
time. Bar some catastrophe, it is unstoppable.
an extremely likely future outcome is the production of loads
of women!
And, for the sake of clarity, if you think
about the influence of the men's movement as deriving from a single male brain -
an average male brain in terms of its desires, but a super male brain in terms
of its thinking and, hence, in terms of its achieving powers - then you can surely see that an extremely likely
future outcome
is the production of loads of women!
Quite simply, by creating societies in which
there are many more females than males, men will be much happier and much more
And this is one very good reason why it will
For example, this is surely what a typical man would
like to have.
Good physical and mental health. Food.
Shelter. Access to women. Peace. Security. Progress. Justice. Access to
information. A world fit for his children. A non-violent environment. Things to
interest him. Plenty of leisure time. Plenty of friends.
But this list of goodies is also what a
typical woman would like to have - even with respect to the fourth item!
After all, women like women too! - as
'companions', that is.
And so who, exactly, is going to object very strongly to the notion that many more females than males should be produced by
our species? For example, who would object if we arranged
matters so that the male:female birth ratio was 1:3?
What organisms out there would
oppose such an idea? And why would any organisms
oppose such an idea? Hmm. Let's think about it.
1. Feminists? Surely not. They would like to
see the back of us.
2. Lesbian feminists? Nope. They'd love the
3. 'Ordinary women'? Well. A significant
portion of them might complain a bit; but why should they?
Think of the benefits for them.
a. Less violence, crime and mayhem.
b. Less aggressive competition among men for
c. Far fewer relationship crimes; domestic violence, rape etc.
d. Far fewer wars.
e. More help with domestic chores.
f. More freedom to go out to work or to stay
at home.
g. Far better job opportunities.
g. Loads of female friends.
Well. Thus far, it is a short list. But the world is already looking a zillion times
And what would be the disadvantages?
Hmm. Well. There aren't many disadvantages that
I can actually think of.
Now, you might think, Hold on. What about women who want to have monogamous
relationships with men?
Well ...
i. The women who are alive today are not going to be very much affected by such
things. Even if from tomorrow we started to produce a 1:3 ratio, this would not
affect young women who are alive today. The number of men available to them
would scarcely diminish. But they would soon feel the benefits of the reduction
in crime etc as the children of the near future were mostly female. And they
would also end up with a lot of available domestic help - both in their middle
years and, most importantly, in old age.
ii. The future generations of women could
easily be brought up to be totally at ease with the fact
that the men were lesser in number. It would not be a problem for them. Indeed,
there are many places in the world where men are already and/or have been very
few in number - especially after wars. This does not seem to cause much problem
for the women, provided that the women can properly earn their keep. Besides which,
very few women nowadays are truly monogamous. They tend to go from one
partner to the next.
And it simply is not necessary for a woman to
have a monogamous relationship with one man throughout her entire life - especially if
her life expectancy soars. But there would
be nothing to stop her if she wanted to.
But would women really want to remain with the same man for 120 years?
It seems unlikely.
So, why should ordinary women of the
future complain about the fact that there were far fewer men?
Well. OK OK. The above is not the greatest
analysis of what might happen if the male:female ratio was set at 1:3.
But it's not a bad one!
And the real point about this piece is
Where is the strong opposition going to come
The purpose of men was to provide brains and brawn
In a nutshell: The purpose of men was to
provide brains and brawn for exploiting the environment and for protecting their
women and children from it. The women were designed to reproduce and to look
after their children.
And, of course, to make the tea!
But the men have gradually been replacing
their own biological functions with metals. Computers are replacing their brains. And
various machines are replacing their muscles. And so, in very many ways, there is much less
need to have so many men around.
However, men themselves are not actually becoming
'redundant', because there is no way that females could possibly do as well as
men in many of
the important jobs that men do - well, not without turning themselves,
effectively, into something that is decidedly non-female.
And an obvious way in which to optimise the
future situation for our species is to alter the birth ratio so that it has the best
chances for survival.
And if we need fewer men than women, then we
Still not convinced, eh?
Then listen closely - because we do
not really have a choice.
white, western, heterosexual beings are a dying breed.
We white, western, heterosexual beings are
a dying breed. Amongst other things, feminism has killed off the birth rates. And so we now also need more females in the
future simply to replace all of that lost stock!
(No offence to blacks, browns or yellows intended.)
And by creating more females in the future, we
could increase the number of mothers bearing children very dramatically without
worrying about women who would rather spend their time doing other things -
perhaps following a career.
In other words, women would be far more free to do as they choose.
Oh Angry Harry. Men are not going to use the
technologies to increase the number of women available to them. You are
Oh really? But it is already happening!
For example,
to industry statistics, approximately 70 million different individuals per week
view at least one adult Web site on a global basis - 20 million view adult pages
that are apparently hosted on sites in the United States or Canada.
look at this! (adults only - sex dolls/robots)
In short, we are already creating more women.