What a Piece of Work is Man!
"What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!"
William Shakespeare
What a Piece of Sh*t is Man!
"Men have all the power" - a common feminist slogan.
In our prisons "men have all the power". But they wield it, by and
large, over men!
In our police force "men have all the power". But they wield it, by
and large, over men!
In our legal system and our government, "men have all the power".
But they wield it, by and large, over men!
In our society "men have all the power"! But they wield it, by and
large, over men!
The idea that "men have all the power" is
therefore nonsense given that to
the extent that there is any power, it is wielded mostly over men.
Have you ever seen chimpanzees and how they
The alpha males have all the power, but they
get all the goodies too!
The other males are kept well in line!
With violence and intimidation.
And have you ever thought about soldiers
fighting in wars through time immemorial?
The male generals and the male politicians
have all the power - yes indeed - but it is thousands upon thousands of more
ordinary men who will have to pay the price of it.

Men exert most of their power over men, not
over women.
Are You A Man?
If someone identifies themselves with their colour - black,
say - well, that's
OK. Fair enough.
If they identify themselves with their being
gay, that's acceptable. That's
fair enough too.
If they see themselves as Jews or Muslims or Christians, or, indeed, of any
main religion, well, that's completely acceptable.
People get a lot of pride from these things.
And, of course, any woman who sees herself, primarily, as a woman, has got it
But what about a man who sees himself, well, as a man?
Well, he's either naff, a bigot of some kind, or some violent piece of
machismo who's thick and drinks beer - at the very least.
Why is this so?
Well, for the past three decades, white, heterosexual males have been the targets
of many EXTREMELY POWERFUL groups. They have been constantly accused of being racist by
highly vocal racial activists and racial minorities, and their history and their forefathers
have been thoroughly
undermined and blackened - and to the extent that many racial activists are now
demanding reparations for past slavery. They have been continually portrayed as being
violent and oppressors of their women by influential vindictive feminists and their gullible
followers. They have been
represented by the beautifully orchestrated gay lobby as being bigoted and fearful of their own
sexuality. They have been assaulted ceaselessly by children's
welfare groups that seek funding and the growth of their empires by indoctrinating the population with the view that
all men are likely abusers of
children. The
feminist-dominated mainstream media have consistently sought to demonise and to
humiliate the entire male gender. The legal profession and the
all-powerful government have
almost disempowered men completely when it comes to their families, their
relationships and their homes. And, in both America and Europe, self-serving
politicians have been passing the authority of men to govern themselves into the
hands of the faceless and unaccountable bureaucrats in the Federal government and in
Brussels respectively. No wonder,
therefore, that white heterosexual men dare not identify themselves as men.
After all, what man wants to identify himself
with the type of person who is continually being portrayed as the lowest and most unpleasant form
of human being that exists?
Are You Stupid?
If you are a man in this country,
and because of some crazy circumstance it so happens
that you are found in the morning with your penis chopped off because
your partner has lost her temper, then, quite simply, you will be laughed at.
Comedians will make jokes about
you and some of the press will say that you probably deserved it.
If you are a man, then you are
pretty much worthless.
Most people wouldn't laugh at an
animal that had such an experience. However, so low are you considered to be in the scheme of
things, so worthless and hated, that severely mutilating you is a joke.
It doesn't matter how 'good'
you've been throughout your life. It doesn't matter if you're the type of man who has
always done his best and tried to do the right thing.
None of that matters.
If you're a man, then, quite
simply, you are so low that people will laugh when your penis is cut off.
this fact ALONE should tell you something rather
And if it doesn't, then, quite
simply, you must be stupid.
Well, this is the kind of world that you live
in today.

Which Would Be Worse?
Losing Your Children Or Being Groped?
Most people, I think, both men
and women, would actually much rather be raped, especially by an acquaintance whom they
happen to know quite well, than have their children taken away from
I think that most people would
feel this way.
In this country, however, men
have their lives utterly destroyed even over trivial issues of sexual
harassment. They're even destroyed after a FALSE
allegation. And they go to prison for a very long time if they are convicted of
When a woman, however, takes away
a man's children (and 75% of divorces are initiated by women) they get to keep
the house as well.
This is the actual REALITY here
in the UK, but it is also true in the USA, Australia, Canada and much of Europe.
If a man simply touches a woman
inappropriately the law can come down on him like a ton of bricks. But if a
woman does to a man something which BOTH sexes consider to be actually worse
than even rape, she gets the house and the children, and probably his money too.
She is actually rewarded for hurting him in a manner which - and BOTH SEXES
agree - is actually worse than rape!
Men simply don't count for much.
If you're a man, then you really should
reflect on how worthless you have become, and you should also recognise that there is very little
concern for how badly you might be injured physically, nor for how long-term
might be your psychological hurt.
And, one day, whether you're
sitting in some unfamiliar surroundings wondering how it is that you've actually
managed to lose your home, your children, and much of your future income, or
whether you're defending yourself in a courtroom against a false and malicious
accusation of some sexual sort, or whether you're dying in a hospital from some
male-specific disease that no-one has been funded to research properly, or
whether you've been passed over for promotion because of your male gender, or
whether your children are being brought up to look upon you as if you were some
kind of potential abuser, or, perhaps, when you are lying in the road because
your partner has attacked you with a knife, and yet it is YOU who gets arrested,
then, surely, even a piece of sh*t like you - because, quite clearly,
this is what you are - will finally wake up
and realise that you are considered by your society to be
completely expendable, and well and truly worthless.