Women To Become 'Workers'

Children Better Off Without Parents Babies
who attend formal child care, such as day nurseries, at the tender age of nine
months are better behaved and less likely to experience a wide range of
developmental problems at the age of three than the average child, according to
new Government-funded research today.
This so-called 'research' was carried out by the Equal Opportunities
Commission which is a body that is completely dominated by the left-wing and the
feminists. The main motives of these people are 100% political and 0%
scientific, and their main purpose in life seems to be to break apart people's
close relationships and to stir up racial disharmony.
And so when it comes to assessing its
'research', my guess is that it is nothing more than the usual load of hokum -
particularly as it conflicts with most of the other evidence that I have seen.
And, of course, the more learned among you
will easily recognise this 'research' - valid or not - for what it really is - a further attempt
by those in government to get more women out to work so that they can ...
a) rake in much more money in taxes,
b) get a stronger hold over the children,
c) prise these children further apart from their
d) poison further the intimate bonds between
the men and women who have children
e) grow their empires of control
f) give themselves good non-jobs and
great pensions
they want more of us to be
trooping out to work and back every day
Essentially, they want more of us to be
trooping out to work and back every day, so that we can hand over to them many
billions in taxes, and they want to ensure that parents have
minimal influence over their own children and are reduced, basically, to packing
them off to bed at night and waking them up in the morning.
And by loosening
further the emotional bonds between children and their parents, they can more
easily loosen those between the men and the women who had them.
They will, of
course, use some of the extra money that they have forced
out of us to grow their ever-failing 'educational'
and 'social services' departments - through which they can indoctrinate further
the children into believing in their bankrupt self-serving points of view. But much of
the money will be ploughed into large salaries and very handsome pension deals
for those at the top and into funding the huge levels of general incompetence
and sluggishness that pervade most government-run departments.
And here is a quote from a local council
leaflet that came through my door only yesterday, the timing of which was probably
not a coincidence ...
The Extended School Scheme Kicks Off!
Schools across the borough are opening the
doors beyond the normal school hours, to offer access for the local community to
a range of activities, specialist support, community facilities, childcare, and
parental support. ... High-quality childcare for primary aged children is
provided on many school sites between 3.30 pm and 6.00 pm. ...
Over the past few decades we have seen the
most monumental drive to break down people's families and close relationships -
a main feminist aim.
Umpteen billions of dollars have been poured every year into this enterprise -
much of it being used to stir up hatred towards men and to encourage women and
children to stay away from them.
And so it goes on.
Now, of course, it might well be the case
that many children are, indeed, better off nowadays if they spend less time at
home and more time in the 'care' of the 'professionals'. But who would be surprised at this given that
so much effort by the government has been specifically directed at breaking
down and/or damaging their families in the first place!
In essence, western governments have spent
the past few decades poisoning the psychological 'land' upon which men, women
and children used to build close relationships and families. And now, having
poisoned this land to the point where it is unable to bear very much for
millions of people, it is saying, "You can use our land!"
else's land has been - and is being - poisoned.
Their land is not very good - and it costs a
great deal to rent - taxes! - but everyone else's land has been - and is being -
By them!
So. What does the future hold if we continue
along this pathway, eh?
Well. Men and women will troop out to work,
while the children spend more and more time in the hands of the 'professionals'
- and I use the term 'professionals' loosely, because the degree of
incompetence and self-serving ambition to be found in the government's 'child
professionals' is almost obscene.
The growing children will become less attached to
their own parents and to their siblings and they will also experience a massive
reduction in emotional warmth and intimacy as they grow up.
This has ramifications not only for the
children, but also for the parents who - as they age - will find that their
children are far less attached to them than they would otherwise have been.
The continued onslaught of man-hatred by the
various wimmin's groups, the government, and the feminist-dominated media groups
such as the BBC will continue to stir up relationship disharmony to make even
more insecure all close relationships, and so more and more people will end up living
on their own.
will be trained to get pregnant and then dump their babies
Eventually, no doubt, women will be trained
to get pregnant and then dump their babies into the hands of the 'child
from Day One, and, beyond that, one can then expect to see children being
conceived and, thence, developed to term through artificial means.
So, in the future, we will all troop out to
work in order to serve our government masters, we will live on
our own, and we will be completely alienated from our offspring; i.e. Big
Brother and Brave New World both become a reality.
And yet; people's close relationships are the
most important features of their lives. And this is especially true for women.
And so for any young women out there who are
reading this, I suggest that you think very hard about where you are being led.
You are going to be a
You are going to be a 'worker' - handing more
than half of your earnings to your government (e.g. see Printing Money).
You are going to spend
decades on your own. Your children are not going to be very attached to you. And
you will most likely die on your own - probably having spent many of your final
debilitated years stuffed into an uncomfortable chair in some
lousy government-run nursing home where nobody actually gives two cents for your
Essentially, you will have been a worker - not a
woman - and not a mother.
And you will no longer be of any use.
And, of course, once women have lost their womanliness
and their motherliness, they will, in comparison to men, have precious little to
offer the world; and this will eventually be 'noticed' - e.g. see my piece Are Women Becoming Redundant?
watch your future happiness
crumble before your very eyes
So. Good luck, Girls. Keep supporting the
feminists and their parasitic friends in government, and watch your future happiness crumble before your very eyes.
But Angry Harry? What about the men? What
will happen to them? Will all their happiness crumble too?
Well, Junior, the answer is, No.
When the feminists and their parasitic
friends have finally been booted into oblivion - having firstly been stomped upon
and crushed underfoot by huge battalions of MRAs - there will be established a
New World Order.
And here is a taste of it, ...
Angry Harry's Clear-Out Sale

Two For The Price Of One!
All Old Stock Must Go!