According to Science
Abuse May Affect Health For A Lifetime."
"Far from being a static
experience, sexual abuse during youth may affect health even in old age, suggest
the results of a study."
An interesting study - but
one that fails completely to address the question of the 'stresses' caused by a
lifetime of negative and worrisome propaganda coming from the 'abuse industry'
For example, if, during the next 30 years, people were continually bombarded
with convincing and rousing propaganda persuading them that having a parent who
drank tea when they were children was a later cause of major depression,
illness, suicide and psychological dysfunction, then, believe it or not, the
result would be that such individuals would, indeed, suffer those very
In other words, people whose parents drank tea would suffer serious
Firstly, they would suffer
directly from the negative propaganda about their parents - who would now be
seen as highly abusive, unloving and uncaring because they drank tea.
Secondly, they would falsely
be led to believe that their current psychological problems were brought about
because their parents had drunk tea.
Thirdly, the relationships between
themselves and their tea-drinking parents would be severely damaged.
Fourthly, they would also
suffer from any further consequences that could easily arise from all the above - e.g. from, perhaps,
taking up smoking or drinking, marriage breakdown, poor sleep patterns etc.
Fifthly, the chronic stress
and worry that such things would bring about would undoubtedly lead to many
further medical and
psychological problems.
Putting it bluntly: Any long-term
negative effects stemming from
events that happened in the past are considerably worsened - if not completely
manufactured - by negative propaganda concerning such events.
And if children and adults can
both be seriously damaged by continual propaganda concerning the drinking of
tea, just imagine how much worse would be the long term consequences had tea
drinking actually been illegal at the time, and if it had also been openly considered by most people
to be 'disgusting'.
"Tea-drinking is a disgusting habit.
It was illegal. I was their child. How could they have done this to me? They have clearly hurt
me by doing this. I am suffering from this, and this, and that, because my
parents drank tea. I am going to be traumatised for life. The therapists and the
doctors tell me
so. My parents didn't care about me. They drank tea every day. They couldn't have loved me at all!"
The 'victims' of tea drinking
parents would develop a mountain of pain, resentment and anger that would
emotionally damage them as the years went by. Their relationships with their
parents would be soured and poisoned forever. Their parents would be ridden with
anguish and guilt. And their children's hatred toward them would be continuously fuelled by the ubiquitous
propaganda that kept telling them
over and over again how evil their parents must have been by drinking that disgusting
tea. And the blame for many of their psychological ailments and life failings would be pinned on
such parents.
The victims' roots, their support
systems and their very identities would be damaged. Their ability to trust in others would be irreparably
harmed and thereafter inhibit them from getting close to others. They would
therefore feel more alienated, more unhappy, more uncertain, more depressed,
more anxious, and so on, as one thing led to another.
And they would certainly
be very much more 'diseased' as persons.
why-oh-why would they be going through all of
this terrible suffering?
But why-oh-why would they be
going through all of this terrible suffering?
Because their parents had drunk tea?
No. Of course not. The very
notion is utterly preposterous.
They would be going through all this
suffering solely because of the machinations of the abuse
I want to repeat that last
They would be going through all this
suffering SOLELY
because of the machinations of the abuse
You can cause terrible
pain and illness, and real, deep-seated, long term suffering to people, just by
making credible the message that drinking tea is a disgusting thing to do, or to
have done.
And it is by promoting this
type of phony propaganda that many charities, therapists and lawyers nowadays make their
It is in the interests of
these groups working in the abuse industry to 'discover' a common pain or ailment and
to link
it backward in time to some alleged cause. Then, whether it be through the lawyers in court
exaggerating in order to get more money in damages for their clients, or whether it
be through the therapists stirring it up, the whole thing begins to snowball.
And, before very
long, those with similar vested interests encourage others to climb aboard the
bandwagon and so the whole notion spreads even further.
The result is a great deal of pain and misery
throughout society
The result is a great deal of pain
and misery throughout society as more and more people become convinced of the
terribleness of it all, and of how badly they, too, have suffered - and will
suffer - from whatever it is that the abuse industry is making a fuss about.
Piled on top of all this,
there is the resentment and the blame that is purposefully directed toward those
people who were supposedly the cause of all this suffering - and these, of
course, are usually closely-related others, such as the parents.
it is not hard to see how the general health and sense
of well-being of very many people can be damaged solely by the
actions of the abuse industry.
And so it is not hard to see how
the general health and sense
of well-being of very many people can be damaged solely by the
actions of the abuse industry.
And the whole of society can
be caught up in such self-destructive fiascos.
But how much easier it is for matters to become far worse and far more widespread when the
thorny issue of S-E-X is involved.
Vast entertainment organisations
and the media industries make BILLIONS from focusing on sex. They have
every incentive to exaggerate the extent of any problems associated with sex and
to inflame the general public's response to them. And, of course, the general public's thirst for sexual titillation - and
for the most
sensational of stories - guarantees that propaganda about sex will always reach
a large and receptive audience.
And so imbuing people with the
notion that sexual abuse leads to long-term suffering is infinitely easier to do
in comparison to making similar claims over tea drinking.
Indeed, the abuse industry's
machinations in this area over the past three decades have been extremely
successful. But they have not only led to a
society that is now positively obsessed with the dangers of sexual contact, they
have also produced a society that seems absolutely possessed
by a fraudulently manufactured deep-rooted suspicion of any kind of intimacy.
Millions of people, literally,
have been seriously damaged by the propaganda that the abuse industry has
ceaselessly manufactured.
Millions of people, literally,
have been seriously damaged by the propaganda that the abuse industry has
ceaselessly manufactured.
Hardly anything could be more
alienating and emotionally poisonous for people.
And, of course, the addition of
handsome financial compensation for the alleged victims of 'abuse' by the
justice system simply validates the
hysteria and makes all the above negative consequences for society much worse.
And all these negative consequences
- many of them truly appalling - can easily be brought about by creating
continuous hysteria over the drinking of
And the Science Daily
would then be telling us that ...
"Far from being a static experience, tea abuse during youth may affect
health even in old age"
And the research statistics would, indeed,
strongly support such a claim.
The truth of the matter,
however, would be that the people to blame for such negative effects would not
be the tea drinkers themselves. It would be those in the abuse industry who continually bombarded the
people with their phony self-serving propaganda.
I was sent to see a psychiatrist on a regular basis
When I was a youngster, I
suffered from asthma. At around the age of 12 to 13 years old (circa 1964) I was
sent to see a psychiatrist on a regular basis because this asthma of mine was,
apparently, caused by some kind of 'mother complex'. In other words, the
dynamics of the relationship between my mother and me was, allegedly, the cause
of my asthma.
Well, needless to say, as
medical research progressed, it was later discovered that asthma was caused by
other things - in my case, an allergy to certain fibres - including the fur of
my own cat.
But the point that I want to
get across here is this.
My mother (not my father) was
being blamed for my asthma. And, needless to say, the relationship
between her and me was somewhat strained by this. She, no doubt, felt very
guilty about being the cause of my asthma, and - from what I can remember - I
felt somewhat guilty that she felt guilty, but I was also somewhat put out with
regard to what, exactly, she, as a mother, might be doing wrong.
In other words, the
relationship between us was being damaged quite significantly by the bogus
theories being promulgated at the time and by the arrogance of those working in
a profession who claimed to know what they were talking about when, quite
clearly, they did not.
Furthermore, had some kind of
allegedly 'objective' investigation taken place in those days concerning the
kind of relationships that asthmatic children had with their mothers, what would
they have discovered?
Well, presumably, they would
have discovered that these relationships were somewhat strained.
Well, of course they
would have been strained!
But they would have been
strained by the very people who had continually bombarded the public with their
hocus-pocus concerning the causes of asthma.
Are the kids
all right? Dr Helene Guldberg (PhD in Child Development)
Studies looking at the effect of early traumatic experiences on children -
that is, events experienced DIRECTLY by children rather than just images they
have seen - have found that neither the severity of the event nor the age of the
child at the time can help us predict whether the child will experience
behavioural or emotional problems later on.
As child development expert Rudolph
Schaffer points out:
'It has become apparent that there is no direct relationship between age
and the impact which experience has on the individual, that young children are
not necessarily more vulnerable even to quite severe adversities than older
children, and that considerable variability exists in long-term outcome.'
The one variable that does help to predict how a traumatic event might
impact on children is how the adults around them cope with it.
Now, let's read that last bit again,
The ONE variable that
DOES help to predict how a traumatic event might
impact on children is how the adults around them cope with it.
Now, the word 'adults' does not, in fact,
solely apply to those who are closely in contact with the children themselves, but also to all
those people who 'impinge' upon children, whether they be professionals such as
social-workers, therapists, counsellors, doctors, nurses, teachers, and so on, as
well as to those adults in the media and those running children's
'charities' who appear on our TV screens.
It is these people who determine how much
'trauma' the child experiences.
In fact, they are more responsible for the trauma than the
incident itself.
NEITHER the SEVERITY of the event nor the
age of the
child at the time can help us predict whether the child will experience
behavioural or emotional problems later on
The ONE variable that DOES help to predict how a traumatic event might
impact on children is how the adults around them cope with it.
This fact of life discredits all
those professionals who are involved in creating the 'abuse hysteria' that
pervades the psychological atmosphere in which most of us have nowadays to live.
it is the hysteria-mongers themselves, such as those in
the NSPCC, ... who cause far more harm to our children - and, indeed, to
adults - than they ever prevent;
Indeed, it is the
hysteria-mongers themselves, such as those in the NSPCC, in the anti-smacking
lobby and in the social services, who cause far more harm to our children - and,
indeed, to adults - than they ever prevent; e.g. see Children's Charities Sued for Millions?.
If this was not bad enough, these agencies have
also had an enormous negative influence on how men
are perceived e.g. see NSPCC Needs To Be Stopped.
Men have now been so heavily demonised by these agencies - and, as a further
consequence, relationship laws have been so heavily stacked against them - that
they can barely have close relationships any longer without forever having to
walk on eggshells.
children's charities like the NSPCC are little more
than pernicious rackets
In my view, so-called children's charities like the NSPCC are little more
than pernicious rackets that make very good money from demonising men (and,
indeed, women) and by claiming, falsely, that they can alleviate the suffering of children
caused by others when, in fact, it is they, themselves, that are
causing most of any suffering that some of our children often end up experiencing.