First-Class Tribute to Men of
Ken Ringle
Eighteen years ago, two TV producers and two
directors at NBC were having a drink when Jim Silman mentioned his latest
discovery in Washington. It was a memorial to the men on the RMS Titanic who had
surrendered their places in the liner's too few lifeboats so that women and
children could be saved when the great ship went down on April 15, 1912.
nobody remembered those brave men. Hell, you
could barely even find the memorial.
The memorial, at a seldom-visited site on the
Washington Channel near Fort McNair, had been erected in 1931 by "the women
of America" in the spirit of "lest we forget," with a program of
annual wreath-layings on the anniversary of the Titanic's sinking. But the women
had forgotten, Silman said. Now nobody remembered those brave men. Hell, you
could barely even find the memorial.
The anniversary of the Titanic's sinking was
just days away. Maybe we should go down there, the men decided, and drink a
toast to the stuff those guys were made of.
Sunday night the Men's Titanic Society, its
numbers now swollen to 15, gathered once again on the anniversary of the ship's
sinking to once again honor "those brave men."
Dressed in black tie (Titanic passenger
Benjamin Guggenheim, realizing death was inevitable, had donned evening dress in
order "to die like a gentleman"), they ate a ceremonial dinner
mimicking the last consumed in the Titanic's first-class dining room. Then, in
the early morning hours when the great ship foundered, they adjourned to the
Washington waterfront with champagne to wistfully toast the sort of manhood Alan
Alda wouldn't recognize.
"Chivalry, gallantry, bravery and grace
-- in these times those ideals seem to have all but disappeared," said
writer David Blomquist, raising his glass in the darkness to the floodlighted
statue with its outstretched arms. "But by our remembrance they are born
again. And in our lives they can live again."
If those words aren't the sort you hear much
on radio or television these days, maybe that's part of the point. Most members
of the MTS are TV producers or directors from more ambitious days in the
broadcast news industry, and there's a faint wagon-circling quality to an
organization that meets just once a year, is more social than historical and
views its annual observance as more a private commemoration than a public event.
"I think that first year it was a kind of
tongue-in-cheek thing for the four of us," said Don Elder, now a TV
producer with the Federal Trade Commission. "The anniversary fell on an
Easter Sunday, and we picked up some daffodils across from WRC and went down
there in the afternoon with a glass of champagne."
they found that the closer they got to the Titanic
story, the more it started to mean to them.
But like so many others, they found that the
closer they got to the Titanic story, the more it started to mean to them. The
next few years their toast to "those brave men" occasioned a
preliminary lunch at Hogate's or the Flagship. Soon they had added a few members
and were contemplating a more authentic, time-appropriate wreath-laying at
night. In dress that Benjamin Guggenheim might approve of.
"It has to do with so many of us being
directors," mused Chris Cavas, an independent formerly with NBC. "It's
become theater without an audience. We don't take it too seriously. Or rather,
we take the sacrifice of the men on the Titanic seriously, but we don't take
ourselves very seriously. Except at the memorial. Oh, who knows why we do this.
Maybe you'll figure it out and tell us."
"All I know is I always leave feeling
much better," said Bob Vitarelli, formerly of CBS. "And not just
because of the wine."
Among the dozens of organizations around the
world fixated on the metaphoric resonance of the Titanic as the last symbol of
human extravagance and hubris before the global reckoning of World War I, the
Men's Titanic Society may be remarkable for its relative lack of interest in
Titanic trivia and politics.
No one at the meeting could be found who cared
much one way or the other about the recent marketing of Titanic coal lumps
dredged up from the ocean floor, or of purported plans to launch luxury cruise
ships to witness the salvage of a portion of the great liner's hull.
"I happen to be a ship buff," said
Cavas, "but that's not really what this organization is about. It's about
courage and sacrifice and grace under pressure. And about who remembers and who
More than 1,300 men -- passengers and crew --
went down with the ship
There were only 16 lifeboats. Three hundred
sixteen women were saved, with 57 children. More than 1,300 men -- passengers
and crew -- went down with the ship after a relatively orderly evacuation of
"women and children first."
"Let us remember what they faced and what
they gave in those last hours," Asman concluded.
After some brief picture-taking, they lined up
in front of the memorial with their glasses and their wreath of red carnations
and raised their individual toasts.
"To their dignity, grace and style, but
most of all tonight we toast their courage. . . . To those brave men."
"Hear! Hear!"
"To the stewards, the men who stoked the
boilers, the crew who shared that bravery as much as any man in a tuxedo. . . .
To those brave men."
"Hear! Hear!"
"To the young and old, the rich and the
poor, the ignorant and the learned, all who gave their lives nobly to save women
and children. To those brave men."
"Hear! Hear!"
"In these days of air disasters, death is
sudden. . . . They had time to think and choose. . . . To those brave men."
"Hear! Hear!"
"We'd like to apologize for the women who have
Finally, Max Schindler of NBC raised his
glass. "We'd like to apologize for the women who have forgotten," he
Some Interesting Numbers % of men saved 20%
% of women saved 74%
% of children saved 55%
Yep; a greater percentage of women was saved
than even children.
Now, you might think that this was just a
coincidence - a happenstance - but you would be wrong.
For example, just take a look at the table
below to see how much concern there is throughout the internet for the welfare
of men, women and children. You will surely notice that 'women' hog the agenda
when it comes to the issue of human "rights" to an almost unbelievable degree -
and this, despite the fact that men are more often than women the victims of
just about anything that you can think of.
Google Page Counts
05/Jun/05 |
News |
Pages |
% |
0.2 |
91.5 |
Children |
246 |
8.3 |
Web |
Pages |
% |
45,500 |
1 |
2,450,000 |
80 |
Children |
582,000 |
19 |
(You can check the links yourself.)
One only has to look at the selfless way that men sacrificed their lives on the Titanic, where 'women and children first' was the order for escape and safety, to appreciate just how valuable the female gender was regarded by men in the recent past. This was the reality then, no matter what feminists will tell you about the 'oppression' and the 'low status' of women in those days.
Indeed, if women had been truly oppressed and seen to be of low status, then they would have been
oppressed right back into their cabins while the men escaped into the
lifeboats. It is absolutely inconceivable
that women would have been given priority for the lifeboats if their welfare was
considered to be less important than the welfare of men. The
feminist-inspired myth that women were treated as second-class citizens in
recent history is a downright lie The
feminist-inspired myth that women were treated as second-class citizens in
recent history is a downright lie - like so many other myths that feminists
And these myths - and there are hundreds of
them - are designed with one aim in mind - to stir up hatred towards men. This
is what you will discover, if you look closely at what feminists say and do.

Titanic Memorial, Washington DC
The inscription reads ...
To The Brave Men Who Perished In The Wreck of The Titanic, April 15, 1912. They Gave Their Lives That Women and Children Might Be Saved.
Erected By The Women Of America, 1931